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Art Questions and Answers

Updated: Jul 1

Now and again I’ll answer an art question on quora. Here’s the latest question:


Is it more beneficial to learn how to draw or paint from good artists rather than good teachers?


Good artists ARE good teachers.

You can’t teach art well without being a good artist yourself. But it takes more than just being a good artist to be a good teacher. It takes patience, understanding, great communication skills, dedication, and a genuine desire to help people.

As a working artist myself and an art teacher, I personally found the most help from a patient teacher whom I loved in college. She’s either dead now or extremely old. But I loved her and I will always be grateful to her. Her name was Marlene Miller. Just a working artist who got to the point where she wanted to help other people. Thanks, Marlene. ❤️

Marlene pointed me to great artists. Through her, I learned all about different artists whom I had never heard about until then. Freida Kahlo comes to mind. This was 30 years ago mind you and it was long before her visage was on every tote bag in the met.

Freida Kahlo tote bags - freida is everyhwehre now but thirty years ago no one had ever heard of her
I wasnt kidding

Studying other artist's work was and is indeed helpful. And when I started this answer I was going to say both were equally important. But as I wrote I realized that the most helpful by far was having a great teacher.

Additionally, I married a man who was an artist (he passed away in 2015). He had a 4 year degree and I only had a 2 year degree. But he told me for his degree the only thing they did was tell him to paint. They gave no instruction or critique.

I was horrified. My art teacher used to have a time of instruction at the beginning of class. Then as we worked she would go around and give helpful instruction. Also we would pin up our work on the wall at the end of class and the class would critique it. In this way we got better as artists and we also learned how to give and take helpful criticism. Which is the traditional method for artists to get better at their craft.

So not only was my 2 year degree much more helpful than my late husbands 4 year degree, I just realized that copying another artists work can’t give you feedback.

So yes, I would say that by far better is to find a GOOD art teacher. They might be rare, but they will help you grow more than trying to wing it on your own.


My name is Kathy Buskett. I’m a professional live caricaturist who draws super fast flattering caricatures at parties, weddings, corporate events, and more.

I’ve been drawing professionally for 25 years, 10 of those years were spent drawing caricatures in Las Vegas at all the big casinos and events, and I am available for your event. Contact me to learn more at

You can see some more of my live and studio work at

I do teach classes but it’s mostly in groups. My time unfortunately is limited due to doing so many live events. So if you have a group of 5 or more students at least age 10 and up I will be glad to teach drawing and/or cartooning.

I’m in the Fairhope AL area

I’m thinking about writing a book. I have been thinking about it for 20 years lol. But if I do, how many of you would be interested? Please

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