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Wedding Caricatures in New Orleans💒

Updated: Jun 14

Shaea hired me to draw caricatures at her wedding in New Orleans some time ago. I was looking forward to my first wedding in the Big Easy - but what I didn’t know was how amazingly customized her wedding would be!

The bride and groom had me drawing caricatures of course - a wonderful way to keep your guests in a festive mood, AND to show off what a fun-loving couple you are.

If you’re interested in learning more please see my wedding page

Here’s my birde and grooms caricature 👰🏾‍♀️🤵🏿‍♂️

Which they got after a costume change and a whole lot of dancing the night away!

They also had Mardi Gras Indians, also known as Black Masking Indians, an African American carnival organization. I looked them up and this is their official name. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to see them at a wedding.

I got a tiny bit of a video above. Here’s a shot of what they look like from the front, I borrowed this from the AP

I was head over heels at this wedding! I love love love different cultures and their traditions and I think God must too since he created us all with such variety.

Heres a shot of the biggest wedding party I have ever seen. Nearly 40 people!

And Heres the rest of the caricature pics from the wedding as well as a lovely view of the reception hall which was BEDECKED with red roses.

Congratulations yall! It was all worth it.


If you’re interested in learning more please see my wedding page

I also do other kinds of events such as trade shows and even birthday parties!

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