Caricatures by Kathy BBB Business Review
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Special Needs Entertainment

You want someone who is sensitive to the needs and quirks of your guests with special needs. You also want your loved ones treated with respect.

You couldn't have picked a better Entertainer.


My name is Kathy Buskett, I'm a professional Caricaturist, and I have three kids with special needs of my own, and I homeschool them all! (That's what I do when I'm not busy entertaining people!)


I'm the best choice for your special needs event, or your inclusive event and I'll explain why in a moment.

But first - PICTURES!  Here's a few recent clients I have worked with that are special needs oriented.

family with special needs digital caricature

Caricature of My Family

American Autism & Rehab Center      Fall 2023 Festival

caricature of a family with a child with special needs
caricature of a woman and a baby with autism
caricature of a woman with autism
family with special needs get a caricature
caricature of a boy with autism
people with special needs get a caricture drawing
family with kids with special needs hold their fun accomodating caricature
people getting caricatures at an autism center

Down's Syndrome Buddy Walk           Fall 2023

caricature of a woman with downs syndrome as snow white
caricature of a little black boy with downs syndrome as spiderman superhero
caricature of a mopm and boy with downs syndrome
caricatuer of a little girl with downs syndrome as a princess
caricature of a man with downs syndrome as a character from the lkarate kid
fun caricature of a boy with downs syndreom as the hulk
woman with downs syndreom gets her caricature drawn with her sister
baby with down syndrome and her caricature of herself as a superhero
caricature of a cute little girl with downs syndrome
caricature of a family with downs syndrome

Mulhern Home of Mobile                       Winter 2023

man with special needs
wal with caricatures displayed at the Mulhern home
young man with special needs

Yes I also Work with severely Impaired People

My Family


Grace is my firstborn. She is 22 and has Down's Syndrome. She works at Publix as a bagger in Point Clear, AL and says it's her dream job. I continue to homeschool her so she can retain what she's learned. She loves to color, sing, and is very creative. She is currently teaching herself to write a book! She also has verbal apraxia, which is kind of like dyslexia but for speech. She also has Nystagmus (visual impairment), and was born with a Complete AV Canal heart defect that was corrected when she was a baby.

teenage girl and her digital caricature
caricature of the artists son dan who is gifted
digital caricature of a teenager as link

Daniel is my middle child but he's so much more like a firstborn,  since he's taken over that role due to his sister's impairment. (This doesn't make her any less bossy, however!) Daniel is 15 and is interested in all things tech. He has his own YouTube channel that gets thousands of views where he discusses video games. He is a lego master builder and a budding cartoonist. He is my gifted child. And yes gifted is also special needs! 

Matty is my lastborn. He just turned 14.

He has ADHD and I don't medicate but use natural methods. I have ADHD too, by the way.  Matty is extremely intelligent and bright though he struggles due to his ADHD. But ask him about World War Two and he will tell you stories you never heard of. He also is intensely interested in Coins, Military history, military planes, and the Titanic.


He can also draw like nobody's business and I would not be surprised if he doesn't become a caricaturist like his mom AND dad.

caricature of matty buskett who has ADHD as a huunter

This is my husband Mike. He grew up in a foster home with 15 kids and had emotional issues resulting from abandonment when we met. Mike has really healed over these past 8 years. THe bible says God puts orphans into families and thats what He did with Mike.

God is a restorer!

We married after my late husband passed away and he became a dad for the first time immediately -  Instadad! He's doing a great job too.


He also runs his own business transporting people to and from the airport, probably has inattentive ADHD, and sings and plays guitar and is licensed to preach and marry people! 

family with special needs digital caricature

And this is me. My name is Kathy Buskett. I turned 50 last year and ill give you a dollar if you can guess what bucket list thing I did for my 50th birthday when I meet you (just ask)

I have ADHD, I homeschool my 3 teenagers, run them around to extracurriculars, run a business, write my own website, take art commissions, and sing and play piano for our house church. Im also writing a book and And I try to leep my house reasonably clean AND I cook all the meals. Just call me the energizer bunny!

You're in good hands with Me!

caricature of a girl with downs syndrome
caricature of a young man with special needs as shrek
kathy buskett draws caricaures of people with special needs

I know firsthand what it's like to be a caretaker and how much you want your child or loved one to have a wonderful birthday or other special event, and how hard it is at times for them to make friends. I will be their friend and yours too.

I also have two nephews with autism. One also has a Traumatic Brain Injury. I grew up with a brother who had ADHD and TBI. And I have ADHD myself! (that's my superpower that helps me draw so fast!) 

I have drawn and taught art to all types of students including those with autism, ADHD and Down's Syndrome and many others of differing abilities.

Years ago before I was a caricaturist, I worked in nursing homes as an Activities Director, and I also worked and lived in a group home for teenagers with behavior issues.

My sensitive portrayal of people of all abilities will delight you. 

Your loved ones are in good hands with Me!

kathy buskett draws pictures of people in wheelchairs
a young lady with an unknown disability gets a caricature
cariature of two sisters one has downs synfrom the other is typical
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